In recent years, a noticeable shift has occurred in how some of India’s most beloved celebrities Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgan, Sachin Tendulkar, Kangana Ranaut, and Akshay Kumar, among others are being perceived by the public. These stars, who once enjoyed widespread adulation across all communities, have come under scrutiny due to their public endorsement of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its leader, Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For many fans, particularly from the Muslim community, this alignment has felt like a betrayal, causing these icons to “drink their own bitter medicine.”
For decades, these celebrities were not only admired for their immense talent but also seen as figures who united diverse groups in a country as culturally rich and varied as India. Amitabh Bachchan, with his long-standing film career, transcended generations, loved equally by Hindus, Muslims, and others. Ajay Devgan and Akshay Kumar garnered a loyal fan base with their on-screen portrayals of justice, courage, and integrity, while Sachin Tendulkar, often referred to as the “God of Cricket,” was a symbol of national pride, worshipped across all religious and cultural lines. Kangana Ranaut, though more controversial, was still respected for her outspoken views on gender and her fierce independence.
However, in the recent political climate, these celebrities have been criticized for endorsing a government and political ideology that has been accused of polarizing India along religious lines, particularly against the Muslim community. The rise of the BJP under Narendra Modi has been marked by allegations of fostering a pro-Hindu narrative, with critics arguing that this has alienated India’s Muslims, who make up nearly 15% of the population. The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), the abrogation of Article 370, and various other policies have sparked accusations of marginalizing Muslims.
When celebrities lend their voices to support political parties, it inevitably influences public opinion. In this case, their association with Modi and the BJP has led many fans, particularly from marginalized communities, to feel a deep sense of betrayal. Amitabh Bachchan’s social media posts endorsing government initiatives, Akshay Kumar’s much-publicized interview with Modi, Ajay Devgan’s nationalistic stance, and Kangana Ranaut’s fiery, often divisive rhetoric have all contributed to this changing perception. For many citizens, these endorsements are not just a matter of celebrities sharing their political views but of lending their considerable influence to a government accused of promoting anti-Muslim policies.
The disappointment from fans is understandable. These celebrities were once seen as figures who rose above political, religious, and social divides, embodying the idea of a united India. However, their public association with a political ideology that is perceived to threaten that very unity has damaged their image in the eyes of many.
In a country as diverse as India, the endorsement of a political ideology that appears to cater to one section of society over another can be deeply problematic. While these stars may continue to enjoy popularity among certain sections of society, their universal appeal has been irrevocably tarnished in the eyes of those who feel targeted or marginalized by the government they endorse.
These celebrities may have to reckon with the fact that the love they once enjoyed across all communities might not be as unconditional as they once thought. Their public personas, crafted over decades of hard work and devotion from fans, are now being re-evaluated through the lens of their political affiliations. For many, this has been a bitter pill to swallow, both for the stars and their former admirers.